
总统府〔Office of the President(State House)〕

总理府(Office of Prime Minister)

司法办公室(Office of the Judiciary)

农业、水利和土地改革部(Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform)

国防和退伍老兵事务部(Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs)

教育、艺术和文化部(Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)

环境、林业和旅游部(Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism)

财政与公共企业部(Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises)

渔业和海洋资源部(Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources)

性别平等、消除贫困和社会福利部(Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare)

卫生和社会服务部(Ministry of Health and Social Services)

内政、移民和安全部(Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security)

高等教育、培训和创新部(Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation)

工业化和贸易部(Ministry of Industrialization and Trade)

国际关系和合作部(Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation)

信息和通信技术部(Ministry of Information and Communication Technology)

司法部(Ministry of Justice)

劳工、劳资关系和就业创造部(Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation)

矿业和能源部(Ministry of Mines and Energy)

体育、青年和国家服务部(Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service)

  • 电话:00264-61-2706111

反腐败委员会(Anti-Corruption Commission)

纳米比亚选举委员会(Electoral Commission of Namibia)

纳米比亚中央情报局(Namibia Central Intelligence Service)

  • 无网址提供

国家计划委员会(National Planning Commission)

总检察长办公室(Office of the Attorney-General)

总审计长办公室(Office of the Auditor-General)

监察员办公室(Office of the Ombudsman)

纳米比亚公共服务委员会(Public Service Commission of Namibia)



