

总理府(Office of the Prime Minister)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2255/2265/3767/5347
  • 传真:001-473-440-4116/6609/2494

国家安全、公共管理、青年发展、内政、信息通讯技术和灾害管理部(Ministry of National Security, Public Administration, Youth Development, Home Affairs, ICT and Disaster Management)

  • 地址:Financial Complex, Carenage,St. George’s; Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2731-6/2928; 001-473-440-2255/2265
  • 传真:001-473-440-4115/4116

司法部(Ministry of Legal Affairs)

  • 地址:"Communal House",414 H.A. Blaize Street, St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-435–2962/2963/440-2050
  • 传真:001-473-435–2964

卡里亚库和小马提尼克事务、地方政府部(Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs and Local Government)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s; "Communal House" 414 H.A. Blaize Street,St. George’s; Beausejour Carriacou Grenada W.I.
  • 电话:001-473-443-6026/6028/7358; 001-473-435-2962
  • 传真:001-473-443-6040; 001-473-4352964

基础设施发展、交通和执行部(Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Transport and Implementation)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2181/2722
  • 传真:001-473-440-4122

农业、土地和林业部(Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2708/3078/3083
  • 传真:001-473-440-4191

卫生和社会保障部(Ministry of Health and Social Security)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2649/2846/3485/4747/4955
  • 传真:001-473-440-4127

教育、人力资源开发、宗教事务和新闻部(Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Religious Affairs and Information)

  • 地址:Ministry of Education Building, Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2737
  • 传真:001-473-440-6650/7701

外交、国际商务和加共体事务部(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business and CARICOM Affairs)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2640/2712/3036/2532/4924/3080
  • 传真:001-473-440-4184/4923

旅游、民航、气候变化和环境部(Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience and the Environment)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-0366-9
  • 传真:001-473-440-0443

贸易、工业和消费者事务部(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs)

  • 地址:Financial Complex, Carenage, St. George's
  • 电话:001-473-440-2731-6/2928
  • 传真:001-473-440-4115

体育、文化艺术、渔业和合作社部(Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, Fisheries and Co-operatives)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-6917/6918
  • 传真:001-473-440-6924

住房、社区发展、社会服务和医院服务部(Ministry of Housing, Community Development, Social Service and Hospital Services)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens, St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2103/1439/2269/7952/6037/7994
  • 传真:001-473-440-4191/7990

劳工部(Ministry of Labour)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens, St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2532
  • 传真:001-473-440-4923

格林纳达旅游局(Grenada Tourism Authority)

  • 地址:Burns Point,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2001
  • 传真:001-473-440-6637
  • 网站:www.grenadagrenadines.com

格林纳达标准局(Grenada Bureau of Standards)

  • 地址:Queen’s Park,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-5886
  • 传真:001-473-440-5554
  • 电邮:gdbs@caribsurf.com

格林纳达工商会(Grenada Chamber of Industry & Commerce)

  • 地址:Building 11,Frequente Industrial Estate,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2973
  • 传真:001-473-440-6627
  • 电邮:gcic@spiceisle.com

格林纳达开发银行(Grenada Development Bank)

  • 地址:Melville Street,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2382
  • 传真:001-473-440-6610
  • 电邮:gdbbank@spiceisle.com

格林纳达雇主联盟(Grenada Employers Federation)

  • 地址:Building 11,Frequente Industrial Estate,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-1832
  • 传真:001-473-440-6627
  • 电邮:gef@spiceisle.com

格林纳达宾馆与旅游协会(Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association)

  • 地址:Ocean House,Morne Rouge,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-444-1353
  • 传真:001-473-444-4847

格林纳达投资开发公司(Grenada Investment Development Corporation,GIDC)

  • 地址:Frequente Industrial Park, Frequente,St. George’s,Grenada,W.I.
  • 电话:001-473-444-1033-40
  • 传真:001-473-444-4828
  • 电邮:gidc@spiceisle.com
  • 网站:www.grenadaidc.com

格林纳达金融机构管理局(Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institution)

移民和护照局(Immigration & Passport Department)

  • 地址:Ministerial Complex,Botanical Gardens,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-2456

税务局(Inland Revenue Department)

  • 地址:Ministry of Finance,Financial Complex,Carenage,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-3556
  • 网址:www.ird.gd

格林纳达港务局(Grenada Ports Authority)

  • 地址:The Pier,St. George’s
  • 电话:001-473-440-7678
  • 传真:001-473-440-3418
  • 网址:www.grenadaports.com

海关和消费税部(Customs & Excise Department)


